Sunday, February 5, 2012

Okay so I was a little confused yesterday!  Davide IS Italian, but he lives in Germany and speaks very good English! LOL  He's such an interesting guy.  He's returning to NYC today and making arrangements to play in Times Square.  I so cannot wait to go see him in concert!

Davide Martello (Google him!)

He was showing us pictures yesterday.  Turns out he did not play in an ocean but in a lake! Whatever, it's still a large body of water!  And his feet were submerged while he played!  Then he shared a picture of himself playing IN THE MIDDLE OF A HIGHWAY.  That was wild and he obviously lived to tell about it.  Seems he likes to bring his music to unusual places!  More later when my pics of him are transferred and posted! Oh!  He also completed two 12 x 12 layouts!  And, they were both adorable!

I'm off to finish up a layout for the Sketch Challenge and the Color Combo Challenge.  Have an absolutely wonderful supercalifragilistic kinda day!

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  1. So, how many people stop so see him play in the middle of the highway?
    Are you going to NYC to see him?

  2. He said folks slowed down and beeped at him as they went by. You betcha I am!

  3. Awesome Carol! I bet he was interesting to chat too!
