I'm just back from CK Manchester and had an absolute blast. Not only did I get to spend the weekend with my close friend, Dawn, but I also got to spend some time with other friends that I don't see nearly as frequently as I would like.
I took two classes: a mixed media album class taught by Sophia Trujillo of Strictly Scrapbooking and a clear acrylic tri-fold frame class taught by Clear Scraps. I left each class with a beautiful finished project.
Now for the shopping - ouch! I spent a small fortune to the tune of 4 figures. Oh yes I did ... and you know I do not feel the least bit guilty and there's no Monday morning buyer's remorse. All in all, the weekend was mega fun and very relaxing. Well, relaxing, maybe that's not the right word, but it was a wonderful change from my every day routine and I enjoyed myself thoroughly.
And, as an added bonus, I met Sophia, Sharon and Laurie all from Strictly Scrapbooking. Dawn and I helped them breakdown after the Convention and let me tell you that is hard work. I definitely respect all that goes into making that happen. One of my jobs was taking inventory of Bo Bunny and Hot Off the Press products. I literally got to fondle hundreds of sheets of paper! Ahhhhhhh ... the beauty of it all!
I will add photos of the completed projects tomorrow. But for now, it's back to that routine I mentioned.